Surprise Engagement Session


I am so incredibly excited to share the story of Cassidy + Travis’ surprise proposal. Travis and my brother have been best friends since they were in pre-school and so he’s like a second brother. Cassidy is like a little sister to me, was one of my bridesmaids, and is one of my best friends. We all do family dinners, vacations, etc together. Cassidy and Travis have been dating since high school when they met at the fair and have been together ever since!

We’re all heading to a family cruise next week and for months and months Travis was planning on proposing during the vacation. However, as it got closer and Cassidy got more suspicious Travis decided to mix it up.

About a week before Thanksgiving he texted me asking if I’d help him pull off a surprise engagement photo shoot for Cassidy. I asked Cassidy if her and Travis could do me a favor and model for some couple photos for me. Travis is notorious for hating photos so it was the perfect cover up. Travis got her a beautiful ring, picked a song to be played on my speaker as he proposed and we got our cues down.

A few hours before they were set to show up, my sister-in-law and I went to the location and hid a table set up for them in the woods. Travis’ mom also had some cute heart signs waiting for them to take photos with after they were engaged. Cassidy has done so much for both of us throughout our weddings and engagements that we wanted it to be an extra special engagement gift from us.

So on Thanksgiving morning, after about 5 minutes of walking around a trail, I told Cassidy and Travis to face each other for some shots, cue’d up Perfect by Ed Sheeran and Travis got down on one knee. I was crying, Cassidy was crying and Travis was beaming (as you’ll see in the photos). I’m so happy for you both and thank you for letting me capture this special moment for you two! Flip through the first carousel of photos below to see exactly when the question was popped!
